Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Because I am the queen of procrastination, I am starting my national Novel Writing Month on the fifth instead of the 1st of November. For those who have not heard of this it is a grassroots program to get people writing. I have known many people who have actually done this. I have always thought that they were cool, and thought that maybe I would do that some day. Well today is the day. Now the trick is to write 50000 words in the month of November. Because of my tardiness, I need to write 2000 words a day... and homeschool, do respite care for Matt and be a less than outstanding housewife.

The other problem besides the time factor is to think of something to actually say. I've had novel ideas in the past but nothing is jumping out at me. I've thought of writing about my grandfather's homestead. I've also thought about writing a women's novel about forgiveness.

I got to decide. I can change my mind, but starting would be a good thing... mmm... the white page is pretty spooky.

I can share with you my thoughts on the most recent campaign... but I really don't want to go there right now.

I will start with the story of the homestead.

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